Ready to spend five days with your RVing friends like these kiddos? Keep reading to learn more about when Escapade tickets go on sale, and what you can expect from the 2023 event!
Our office will be closed on Monday, September 5th for Labor Day. The last day to make any changes to a mailing scheduled for September 5th is Thursday, September 1 by 4:30 PM Central.
Get Ready For Escapade 2023- Tickets Coming Soon
We’re excited to announce that registration for the 62nd Escapade opens September 20th!
We’re heading to Tucson, AZ March 19-24, 2023 for 5 days of educational seminars, engaging entertainment, social gatherings with our fellow RVers, and more.
Fill your days learning from experts and peers about the RV lifestyle; there’s always something new to discover no matter how long you’ve been traveling. You can gather with new and old friends in the afternoon at one of the many socials held by different groups and sponsors.
Cap each evening with entertainment including live music to dance the night away or just relax and unwind.
You can also extend your Escapade experience with activities before and after the event! RVers Boot Camp kicks off a few days in advance and covers everything you need to know about the operation, safety, and maintenance of your
If you’d like to explore the area more and feel its cowboy roots, we have two HOPs scheduled for the final Friday.
- Witness the shootout at the OK Corral on the Tombstone Western Heritage HOP while exploring one of the last frontier towns of the Old
- Try your hand at a fun and friendly shooting competition right in Pima County at the Guns and Ammo HOP. There will be prizes for the best shooter in each category.
For those who prefer to head to the beach, Hangouts are meeting up to head to Puerto Peñasco on Friday. Watch the Hangouts page for this separate registration.
Bookmark escapade.escapees.com and be ready to register for Escapade September 20th!
There is an Escapees event for everyone. From large rallies to casual convergences, we believe RVing is better together.
Come and find your community at an
Escapees event!
October 1-10, 2022
We are excited to take
a lucky group of Xscapers to the 2022 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta! If you haven’t been before, it is a must-see event for any RVer and it holds a special place in our hearts since it’s where the very first Convergence took place 7 years ago! We've got one ticket left for Session 1, Sept 30- Oct 5, grab it while you can!
Carlsbad Caverns Hangout October 15-22, 2022
If you’re like most Escapees members, you treasure the beauty of America’s National Parks. The unique Carlsbad Caverns Restoration Hangout will provide you with an opportunity to give back to those parks by volunteering your time to help the National Park Service preserve the wondrous formations of Carlsbad Caverns. Get ready for 4 1/2 days of work underground, deep inside the heavily-visited parts of the caverns, cleaning lint and other debris from the formations and trails.
November 11-13, 2022 Led by a panel of instructors with decades of experience, RVers Boot Camp walks you through everything you
need to know to maintain and operate your RV safely. Spend three days with our industry experts and you’ll learn about tire and weight safety, basic RV systems, fire and life safety, proper towing techniques, and much more.
Xscapers Annual Bash January 14-22, 2023
Annual Bash is the biggest gathering of the year for Xscapers. Hosted in Lake Havasu, AZ, it includes activities like the famed Xscapers Olympics, the silent auction for C.A.R.E., along with a raucous round of Party Bingo guaranteed to smash any preconceived notions you may have of the game. There is SO MUCH MORE to this event, too! Tap the graphic to check out the event page. Tickets available now!
62nd Escapade March 19- 24, 2023 Tucson, AZ Ready for the biggest annual gathering of Escapees RV Club members! We'll be in Tucson, Arizona for 5 days of educational seminars, engaging entertainment, and more, hanging out with our fellow SKPs. Each evening, after a day of learning from experts and peers, take in some
live music, dance with friends, and unwind. More info on tickets coming soon!
Eastern Caribbean Cruise HOP April 7-17, 2023
Enjoy the blue, crystal-clear ocean waters, while relaxing on beautiful sand beaches, sipping a favorite, cool beverage, listening to calypso or reggae music, and watching a beautiful sunset. Join fellow Escapees on this amazing 10-night round trip on the Eastern Caribbean Cruise HOP. Tickets available now!
Moab Outdoor Adventure HOP May 2-7, 2023
If you love outdoor adventure, then this HOP is for you! Moab, Utah is a perfect climate for outdoor events and Escapees has an exciting, action-packed outdoor adventure awaiting your arrival. Several days will be filled with fun and excitement with off-road runs while exploring the beautiful Moab area with your HOP hosts.
SKP-ACRE Rally April 15-20, 2023
Join Escapees members east of the Mississippi for the SKP-ACRE rally! An acronym for All Chapters Rally East, SKP-ACRE welcomes all Escapees members to Brunswick, Georgia for a casual, enjoyable rally on the East Coast. More details coming as this event unfolds, so mark your calendars! Click the Chapters graphic to check out the SKP-ACRE website.
Did You Hear? The Escapees Mobile App Is Here!
In case you missed it in our last Member News...
We are happy to announce the long-awaited Escapees Mobile App and eagerly invite you to check it out! The mobile app will make your membership benefits more accessible and easier to use during your travels. Now you’ll be able to pull up your membership card, request your mail, and view your mail scans on the go.
You’ll have access to your account at your fingertips no matter where you are or when you remember that you
need your mail sent. You’ll be able to access member directories like the Parks or the Commercial Directory to find campgrounds and discounts on the fly. And we’re only a click away as you can send an email message or find our clickable phone number under Contact Us.
We’re not stopping here. If you are as excited about the app as we are and want to see more, don’t worry! We are already planning phase two and look forward to bringing even more features to the app over the next year. We wanted to get the first round of the app in your hands as soon as possible, so you could benefit from it right away. Let us know what you think! There’s a link for feedback right in the app. We want to hear from you.
To learn more and download the app for both Apple and Android, visit Escapees.com/mobileapp.
Do you have feedback you want to share with Escapees RV Club staff and/or Board of Directors? Click the button below
to complete a brief feedback form and ensure your thoughts are heard by our staff and leadership.
Escapees RV Club
100 Rainbow DR
Livingston, TX 77351
United States